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  1. V


    Thank you. We also use "hook with special cut", flat bottom holes, side drill holes, like sensitivity etalons, and it is not a problem.. "Influence of fatigue structure damage on ultrasonic attenuation" is interesting topic, but as you said it is poorly studied. I will keep searching..
  2. V


    Ok, thanks! Do you have any literature about dependence between ultrasonic testing and crystallographic structure? I want to come to the conclusion how many decibels are allowed for sounding a sample, due to the change in the structure of the material...
  3. V


    Thank you. I think it is also possible, because there aren t indication if I use probe for cross section testing.. The zone of hook neck, where the indication apears, has a different section dimension. So, maybe it is extension or compression in the middle, indication certainly exist.
  4. V


    It is a standard railway hook for wagon, locomotive, to connect each other. It is a mandatory part for ultrasonic testing procedure..
  5. V


    Hello, the topic is the railway hook. Is it possible to have an indication due to compression of the material? The indication appears on the neck of the hook during the longitudinal examination. There are no indications for cross-examination in the same place.